Friday, October 06, 2006

Prayer requests

"I would love it if you could pray for me my court date is Oct 20th and I am so very scared what might happen, I know that the Lord is always with me, but I can use all the praying I can get!" Linda K., Abilene TX

"We are at a TCD drug rehab and God is truly workin' miracles in my life as well as theirs. Keep us in your prayers." Women at Gateway SAF-P, Gatesville TX

"I am truly trying to change my ways and I need God's word in my life at all times, everyday, at morning time and bed time." Barbara H., Gatesville, TX

"Please pray for my family, especially my son, to make contact with me. And for my friend Yvonne D. on her release from prison." Christie S., Denver CO

"I would like a prayer for my family and my husband to help him w/ his sobriety." Patricia C., Denver CO

Loving God, for these and all your children, we pray. Lift them up and help them through every hardship they face in this life. Be with them and assure them that in Your great love for us, we are all made new through Jesus Christ. Amen.


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