Thursday, April 06, 2006

Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus

Mark 15:20-21
When they had finished mocking him, they stripped him of the purple, dressed him in his own clothes, and led him out to crucify him. A man named Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus, was coming in from the fields, and they pressed him into service to carry the cross.

"He is coming in from the fields, on his way home, or elsewhere, but he is not a part of the proceedings. He may not even know who Jesus is; he walks into a mob, an execution, and is pressed into service. . . .
We, too, are pressed into service along with Simon, often under duress. Massive human need draws the Simons of the world into homeless shelters, soup kitchens, back alleys, refugee camps, and endless lines of people waiting for food, tents, medicine." ...excerpt from "The New Stations of the Cross" by Megan McKenna

Tortured Savior, let us be called out from the crowd to serve you. Let us see a need and know our place is walking with you, carrying your cross until the end.

We pray for Shavonne Mills, for her safety and continued faithfulness following her release, for Glennie Dyar Brewster, and her friends and family, Ronald R. Barchus and Judith A. Ormond, for William and Justince Lucey, for Karen Corder, Kimberly Sager and all their family and friends. We ask that your grace and peace be upon them, and your protection cover them all, and we thank you for hearing our prayer in Jesus' name.


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