Monday, November 14, 2005

Prayer Requests for the week

Glory to you, great God of the Scriptures, holy Comforter, Redeemer and King. In your glory, you humbled yourself to become one of us, to be physically present in time and space. Through your graciousness, you have allowed us to know you through the ages. You have made yourself known in word and in sacrament. You are our God.

We are your children. Forgetful of your love for us, we have acted in our own right. We have taken our own side and neglected our obligation to others. Help us open our hearts to those around us, and respond to them as sisters and brothers in you. Particularly we pray for Jerry Lee Parks, Frank Herrera, Tonya Holmes, Jennifer Broaddus, Theresia Broaddus, Andrea Jordan, Richard Ray Broome, Brenda James, Sara Jagers, Chris Young, Chris James, Carla Roddy, Thresa Roddy, Cynthia Blocker, Maria Diaz, Ana Maria Berry, Katrina Ayala, Sarah Ashford and Inez White. We lift these individuals to you, and pray that you be with them and in them. Help them find peace and reconciliation in your loving word. Give them sufficient strength for each day, and the courage to face any hardship that may come. Bring them the joy of knowing you, and show them how you want them to live in Christ Jesus. Amen.


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