Friday, September 23, 2005

Yesterday's Devotion

Jeremiah 1:5 -" Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born, I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations"

Poor Jeremiah, what a dreary life a prophet of doom must have had. But what a powerful message he brought. And God gave him the words and the strength to speak them. God knew what Jeremiah needed and provided it. Jeremiah had a really tough job ahead of him, to inform the whole Old Testament world that they weren't keeping the covenant. If you feel led to do something that seems too huge, remember that God knew you in your mother's womb, and consecrated you, and appointed you too. If you are being called, God will give you what you need to do whatever you are called to do.

Oh God our help in ages past, help us today to hear your call and to have the courage to go where you lead. We lift up those who are struggling to answer your call. Be with them, and help us minister to them. Amen

(Its amazing and miraculous how often the readings for the day take on a specific and timely significance, even though they were written almost six years ago.)


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