Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Prayer Requests for today... and thanks for your prayers!

Dear God in Heaven and here among us,

We thank you for this day and for your love, and for the opportunity to serve our neighbors in your name. Today we come to you with many cares and concerns weighing our hearts, and yet we know that you carry our burdens, so the weight is lifted, and we can bear it all in Jesus' holy name.

We pray again for many of our brothers and sisters in who are separated from their families and friends and have only you to turn to each day. We ask your blessings on all who are incarcerated, that they may invite you into their hearts. For we know you are with them always, and all we have to do is open our hearts to you, and you will touch the places that are broken and heal them. Specifically today we lift up Melissa C. of Gatesville, TX and her son; Mary Ann and Tony M. of Austin for strength and joy in their new marriage; Mr. Kitchens of Tennessee Colony to be reunited with his family soon; Fester H. and Chris K. in Beeville, TX, Mr. K.D. Watson of Lubbock, TX; Ms. Johnnie Lee, Michelle Guzman, Alice Dickerson, Sally Alvarez, Janet Arenas, Tiaka Barron, and all the women at Gatesville, TX; for Patricia Compton and her son Kaleb in Kentucky. Tina Melton asks special blessings for herself and her daughter, Dian, and for Angela and Ken who are looking after Dian while she can not. Tammy Dailey in Alderson, WV, Rosa Lee McGary of Metairie LA on her birthday; Stephen Baldwin of Ft. Stockton for strength to live for you; Christine Garza in Longview, TX; Juan Rimes at Buster Cole Jail, Mr. Ronald Bailey in Dallas, TX; Chasity Phillmore; Dalia Luera in Kingville; Wonnette P. in Lexington, KY and her family; Ronda Johnson in PeeWee Valley, KY; Ms. Angela Robinson in Wheel Wright, KY and the other women in Otter Creek CC; David in Houston Jail. As they ask for your grace and mercy, we give thanks and praise that you, our loving and generous God, respond to their prayer with grace and mercy in abundance!

For all victims of crime, we ask your protection and grace, to help them wherever they may be to feel your presence and your abiding love. For all who work in law enforcement and the justice system, please shield and protect them, and give them grace and wisdom to carry out their responsibilities with compassion and care. For those of us on the outside, show us the right way to minister to prisoners, and upon their reconciliation with society, show us how to welcome them home with open arms into a community of joy.

And for our nation and our world, please act upon human hearts to enable us to seek justice and compassion, to meet the global needs, have respect for human dignity and to live together in peace. We pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Thank you for all of the prayers that have been offered up for our church community during the past week. From today's letters, we have received many many reassurances that, while we are praying for you, you are also praying for us! We give thanks for you, and for your love and prayers offered for our protection. Now, please remember the victims in Beaumont and Port Arthur, and Lake Charles and all the small communities on the coast that have been devastated by Rita. Keep the Katrina victims in your prayers too, as they continue to need God's guiding hand as they find their new path to follow in this world.


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